Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Diodes and BJT Analysis

1.For the given circuit find the voltage accross the resistor..?

 2. For the given clipper network if the input is a sinusoidal wave what will be the output wave form...?

 3. For the rectifier network what will be the shape of the output waveform when the input waveform is as shown in the figure..?

 4. What is the cause of the Zener breakdown in the diode.?

 5. Consider a hypothetical diode for which the A.C. Resistance is equal to the average resistance for all selected Q-points, and the D.C Resistance increases with increase in voltage.Draw the characteristic curve of the diode..?

 6. For a voltage source which is highly fluctuating which rectifier will you prefer Centre-Tapped or Bridge, Give a valid reason for your answer.

 7. For the emitter-bias configuration find the following parameters:
 • Base current, Collector current, Emitter current
• Base voltage,Emitter voltage,Collector voltage
Perform the a.c. Analysis and find out the Re , input impedance,output impedance.

 8.For the voltage divider configuration find out the following:
 • Base current, Collector current, Emitter current
• Base voltage,Emitter voltage,Collector voltage
Perform the a.c. Analysis and find out the Re , input impedance,output impedance.
• Perform A.C. Analysis and find out the input current, output current.

 9.For the collector feedback configuration find out the following :
 • The base current, collector current, and the emitter current.
• Find out the base-emitter voltage,collector-emitter voltage and base-collector voltage
• Perform A.C. Analysis and find out the equivalent RE model and hybrid model.
 • From the R-E model find out the value of the input impedance and output impedance.

 10. For the circuit given above calculate the equivalent Thevenin resistance and the thevenin voltage accross the terminals A and B Then calculate the Norton resistance and the Norton Current and compare the results.
All the resistances are equal  in value.And  V1>V2>V3.

The following questions have been taken from:
1.Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory- Robert L. Boylestad,Louis M. Nashelsky
2. A bit of improvisation. :)
You can either post your answers as a comment or mail it to me my e-mail id is: rupak97.4@gmail.com.
I will put up the answers myself within a week have a nice time solving.